Drunk Dialing the Divine composed by Amber Koneval, is a twenty-two poem collection that follows the poet's journey through her own anger towards God's love. Drunk Dialing the Divine was conceived in reflecting on the image of a dear friend drunk dialing the poet to ask for a prayer request. For Amber, Drunk Dialing the Divine, is a moment in which the Christian is so desperate that they no longer have direction or a consciousness of their own struggle; and yet they call out for help in the most honest and genuine way that they know how. Amber intends for Drunk Dialing the Divine to be used as a guide for others like herself who have to deal with their anger first before having a truly open relationship with God. In creating this compilation of poetry Amber learned that denying her anger had denied her ability to give herself over completely to God, and in being honest and open she found that not only was she closer to God, but that her anger melted in the face of His love. This book has a strong theme of hope and desperation with the overarching theme to be found in Job 13:15, 37:23,24. In the end, you will find that Drunk Dialing the Divine will live up to its name by celebrating God while still honestly questioning him.
You can order Drunk Dialing the Divine from amazon.com for only $8.99 – paperback or $.249 ebook
For more about Amber’s Drunk Dialing the Divine visit her website:
YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/user/upulkuchen
Facebook: facebook.com/akoneval
Twitter: @ambermoment
You can order Drunk Dialing the Divine from amazon.com for only $8.99 – paperback or $.249 ebook
For more about Amber’s Drunk Dialing the Divine visit her website:
YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/user/upulkuchen
Facebook: facebook.com/akoneval
Twitter: @ambermoment